

Kevin Cahill

Chairperson, Waitaki Lakes Apartments

Congratulations on your new website. We are pleased to have PPM as our property Managers, the team looks after our affairs in a most professional and user-friendly manner.

Jane L Christie

Chairperson, Verdant Lane, Albany

Verdant Lane, Albany has been managed by Premium Body Corporate since the settlement date of August 2019. 

Under the care of Premium Body Corporate, we have made a great deal of progress in regard to property maintenance.  They continue to guide us through the required processes and have negotiated with contractors on our behalf to complete necessary work around the property. In particular, Premium Body Corporate  has worked hard with us to ensure that work has been done to bring the property back to pristine condition after the January floods.

Communication with PPM is always professional and open, resulting in a productive relationship that gets the job done.

I feel I can speak on behalf of the other owners in saying that we are very satisfied.